Unlock the Health Benefits of the Volumetrics Diet!

Unlock the Health Benefits of the Volumetrics Diet!

Are you looking for a nutrition plan that will help improve your health while eating more food? The Volumetrics Diet is an effective way to do just that. This diet focuses on controlling portion sizes and eating foods with high water content and higher fiber,...
The Best Anti Inflammatory foods

The Best Anti Inflammatory foods

You may remember having a cut, sprain, or a sore throat. The area feels painful and hot, and looks red and swollen. These are telltale signs of inflammation. Inflammation is a natural and essential process that your body uses to defend itself from infections and heal...

Everything you need to know about the Gut-Brain Axis

The gut and brain are interconnected (otherwise known as the gut-brain axis) more than we previously thought—new research is proving it. These discoveries have huge potential to help people with gut issues with help from their brain. And help people with brain or mood...
Fructose vs Glucose: Which is worse for your gut?

Fructose vs Glucose: Which is worse for your gut?

Maybe you have heard that fructose is the same as glucose, or that they can be equally damaging to your gut.  This comparison is complicated, and as always it depends on how it is being delivered to your body.   This relationship is complicated because fructose is...
Vitamin B12 Deficiency: Gut Related Symptoms

Vitamin B12 Deficiency: Gut Related Symptoms

Are your gut symptoms like bloating, pain, and cramping somehow related to your Vitamin B12 deficiency?  They could be!  Many of us know the connection between B vitamins like Vitamin B12 and energy levels, even brain function, but did you know that if you run low on...