This month as a practice we will be looking at goal setting. As the New Year approaches many of us are beginning to think of some goals we want to set and focus on. We know nutrition can be a part of that so starting January 7th we are going to launch a 5 week session of group appointments on the Elimination diet.

This will consist of a 60-90 minute group appointment every Monday at 6:00 pm for 5 weeks.
We will start with preparation for the nutrition plan and then implementing as well as reintroducing new foods. We will provide you with education and resources to help you be successful in this goal.
You may ask: Why the elimination diet? The Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM) has an elimination diet that can be very effective for many different people. Below are a few things that it can address:
    – Begins to heal and optimize gut health
    – Reduces inflammation
    – Identifies food triggers (Elimination diets are the gold standard for identifying food sensitivities)
    – Decreases toxic burden
    – promotes body awareness to food
It can be helpful if you struggle with autoimmune disease, inflammation, gastrointestinal issues, brain fog, fatigue, weight gain and much more.
You may also be wondering” Why group visits?” Group visits are being used at many leading health care systems across the nation. Research has shown that patients participating in group visits are more likely to change hard behaviors and have better outcomes. They also help patients feel more connected and accountable for their health and health goals.
If you are interested in joining us please let us one of us know through the portal or you can call or text us at: 303-916-1064. The group visits are included in your membership and space is limited so sign up soon. Let us know if you have any questions and Happy Holidays!!