
Climate Pledge Friendly
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Product description
Endangered Species Chocolate Extreme Dark Chocolate Bar, 3 Ounce — 12 per case. This 3oz. dark chocolate bar is made with all-natural, shade-grown, ethically traded, single-origin extreme dark chocolate. At 88% cocoa content, it is one of the highest cocoa content chocolate bars available with a smooth, not overly bitter flavor. The black panther artwork from Judi Rideout is printed on recycled paper. The chocolate is ethically or fairly traded guaranteeing the workers fair wages and humane working conditions. This product is also certified Kosher by Orthodox Union. On the inside of the label you can learn about the plight of the panther as well as additional information on Endangered Species Chocolates core value, Reverence for Life, conservation tips and coupons for other Endangered Species Chocolate products. Dark Chocolate with a high cocoa content (70% or higher), like our Extreme Dar Chocolate bar, has been found to have many health benefits. The more pure and natural the dark chocolate, the better. Shelf Life: 540 Days, Black Panther