Periods do not have to cause pain, yet we believe, as women, that this is a natural process- and the only solution is Midol and synthetic birth control? Not true! The truth is there are steps we can take to improve our hormonal balance and stop the suffering. If we...
Do you spend a few days every month curled up in the fetal position, losing valuable work or school days, or not able to do activities you enjoy due to heavy bleeding? Let’s talk normal- this is not normal, and you don’t have to accept it. A normal period occurs...
The coronavirus pandemic has many of us scared and seeking to find answers and ideas for evading this severe illness. No one can give out a sure fire formula to avoid catching this- so please run away from any site online that claims such- but we do know that buffing...
Many women ask me why is their weight, mood or period going crazy in their late 30s to late 40s? The culprit is usually a rollercoaster of estrogen patterns often predominantly estrogen spiking- a condition often referred to as estrogen dominance or estrogen excess. ...
At Highlands Health and Wellness we are always looking for ways to improve your health naturally and here are our top 5 foods for healthy hair and skin: Dark Chocolate- Yes! This is one of my favorite treats and it can help provide zinc for healthy skin texture and...
This month as a practice we will be looking at goal setting. As the New Year approaches many of us are beginning to think of some goals we want to set and focus on. We know nutrition can be a part of that so starting January 7th we are going to launch a 5 week session...